Hey it’s Coach Phil with BetterPitching…
Happy New Year!
Easily one my favorite holidays… this year my kids stayed up ’til midnight and we all got up on the couch and literally jumped into 2023 together (apparently, its a Danish tradition… my daughter’s idea, and gotta say I rather enjoyed it).
So Welcome to 2023.
Brand new year…
I won’t get into the whole resolutions debate… Some people love setting them… others say they’re nonsense.
(I personally think they’re fine and kinda fun… and setting targets is a good habit to get into)
But wherever you stand on the whole issue, here we are…
Today is Day ONE.
Want to make it a good year? It starts TODAY.
And just like I tell my pitchers…
Success on the mound is built one pitch at a time. Your job is to make quality pitchers…
Good pitches make good innings.
Good innings make good outings.
Good outings make good seasons.
And good seasons make good careers…
Now of course, not every pitch is gonna be perfect… Even the BEST pitchers make bad pitches sometimes (just like we all have bad days)…
Key is, the best pitchers don’t let it derail them…
They get back on track fast… and stay focused on What’s Important Now…
THIS pitch, right here.
Happy 2023 BetterPitching family.
Today is Day ONE.
Let’s go.
Until next time…
Committed to Your Pitching Success,
Coach Phil